Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"Making Money is ART" - Andy Warhol

When I attended the University of Southern California as an art major, I was given a lot of  “why that major ?" remarks by friends and family.... I get it! A very expensive school for a major that never pans out... and in 2008 (a year after graduation)  when the stock market crashed... my timing couldn't have been more perfect. In addition to my job as a legal assistant , I started Karlin Meehan Studios to help pay off my student loans.. and over the years I have learned a lot about what it takes to become your own boss. Last year I was given the opportunity to speak as an advisor for the Kappa Kappa Gamma Delta Tau chapter at the University of Southern California about starting your own business (something that they don't tell you in art school)... I made a list of points that I embellished on during my speech and I thought I'd share. Here is what I know for sure:

How to Make It in the World 2013: Karlin’s Rules.
1. Never waste time looking for a job when you can invent a job.
2. Never invent a job that does not help solve one of mankind’s problems.
3. Never go with what you love. Go with what obsesses you.
4. Never worry about failing. You will fail. Just fail smarter the next day.
5. Never listen to your boyfriend when he complains that you’re working all the time. Keep working.
6. When you work for yourself, you will be the first promoted, and the last to be fired.  
7. Never aim for what's popular. Aim for what you believe in.
8. Never ask customers what they want—as Steve Jobs said: “People don’t know what they want until you show it to them.”
9.  If you're struggling for your "art," stop making it about the art and start making it about the money. In Andy Warhol's words, "Making money is art."
10. The chocolate chip cookie was invented during the depression... doesn't that make sense? When times get tough you have to get creative to solve your problems. The world is waiting for your chocolate chip cookie. So invent it.

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