Who the #$&% Is Jackson Pollock? Is a 2006 documentary following a woman named Teri Horton, a 73-year-old-former long-haul truck driver from California, who purchased a painting from a thrift shop for $5, only later to find out that it may be a Jackson Pollock painting; she had no clue at the time who Jackson Pollock was, hence the name of the film. According to an interview from the film, Horton purchased the painting from a California thrift shop as a gift for a friend who was feeling depressed. Horton thought the bright colors were cheery, but when the dinner-table-sized painting proved too large to fit into her friend's trailer, Horton set it out among other items at a yard sale, where a local art teacher spotted it and suggested that the work could have been painted by Pollock due to the similarity to his action painting technique. At one point Horton and her friend decided the painting would be good for target practice, but they never got around to trying that tactic. The film depicts Horton's attempts to authenticate and sell the painting as an original work by Pollock. Its authenticity is doubtful at best, because the painting was purchased at a thrift store, is unsigned, and is without provenance, the documentation of a painting’s history. Another authentication issue is that during Pollock's lifetime there were many imitators of his style. On another level, the movie explores the challenges faced by the average uneducated, but determined, citizen who takes on the elitist, high-stakes world of art dealership.
FYI- Horton, who once turned down an offer of 2 million and then later $9 million for it, is now asking $25 million for her $5.00 purchase. Pretty steep huh?
I love this film because it focuses on the "hype" of buying and selling famous artworks -----> basically saying its full of it. My brother once told me to never tell people that I wanted to be an artist because "it only means you're broke and crazy" ... "artists only make a fortune after they die". Touche. Modern art really arises these issues when you see a painting selling for thousands of dollars and its only a red circle in the middle of a blank canvas... why the hell would you pay thousands of dollars for it? If you have tons of money to blow on paintings sure, be my guest. Art is what you make of it. Whether a work was painted by a famous artist, child, or serial killer... its all the same. Bottom line------> If i had several million dollars in the bank ....would I blow it on a painting? Hell no. You'd see me with P-Diddy cruising the Mediterranean on his yacht. I hope Terry the "truck driver" hits it big with her Pollock painting... 25 mil for a 5 dollar joke-of-a-purchase? AWESOME.

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