I call this … “keeping it fresh and frequent”…
I’m going to compare Google’s “keeping it fresh and frequent” to Facebook. These sites both cater to the impatient, ADD-kid, like me. I’m always refreshing the web from time to time to see what’s new … I find myself mindlessly browsing sites & looking at images … Even today .. I was on Facebook per usual… reading the Newsfeed saying, “so and so are engaged?.... My sorority sister got a new job?!! … that guy from High School got married?”… (my brother Nelson thinks Facebook is worse than US Weekly in that you actually know these people and their current life updates) …ok I’m off track…. The point I’m trying to make here is that constant updating is that it keeps us interested… for example the most famous blogger I can think of, Perez Hilton, said he found himself blogging to the point of over 8 hours a day in order to satisfy his 32 million plus viewers… and the Google brand does the same…with their imagery…Everyday we get an entirely new picture, created solely for our entertainment. And Guess what? Their logo is remembered---- embedded in our minds.
I’ve found a few of my favorite “Google Doodles” … some are better than others… but all I can say is…. Google you are SO smart. I’m glad you’re keeping it fresh buddy.

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